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Аудио сказки Шарля Перро детям

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About Аудио сказки Шарля Перро детям

One has only to say the words "Little Red Riding Hood" or "Cinderella" and immediately we remember the wonderful storyteller Ch. Perrault. Perrault's tales rightfully take their rightful place in the gold fund of world classics. We are sure that not only your child, but also yourself will enjoy reading these fairy tales. The tales of C. Perrault will give you many pleasant minutes. We learn children's poems and fairy tales with the child.


- Puss in Boots
- Blue Beard
- Griselda
- Chubchik Rikki
- Sleeping Beauty
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Donkey skin
- Cinderella
- Thumb-boy

Charles Perrault is a French poet and critic of the Classicist era, a member of the French Academy since 1671, now known mainly as the author of "The Tales of Mother Goose".
"Stories, or Tales of Bygone Times" - a collection of French fairy tales published in Paris in January 1697 under the name of Pierre Darmancourt, the author of which is considered Darmancourt's father, Charles Perrault. With the exception of Riquet-the-crest, all of Charles Perrault's tales are adaptations of folk tales. Later, the collection was published under the title "Tales of My Mother Goose". It includes eight fairy tales set forth in prose. Many cartoons and musical works, including classical ballets, have been created based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault. In addition, the collection includes three poems published by Perrault a few years before the publication of the book, namely the short story "Griselda" and two fairy tales, "Donkey's Skin" and "Funny Desires".

Fairy tale is a genre of literary creativity:

A folk tale is an epic genre of written and oral folk art: a prosaic oral story about fictional events in the folklore of different peoples. A type of narrative, mainly prose folklore (fairy-tale prose), which includes works of different genres, the texts of which are based on fiction. Fairytale folklore is opposed to “authentic” folklore narration (non-fairytale prose) (see myth, epic, historical song, spiritual poetry, legend, demonological stories).

A literary tale is an epic genre: a fiction-oriented work closely related to a folk tale, but, unlike it, belonging to a specific author, which did not exist orally before publication and had no options. A literary tale either imitates a folk tale, or creates a didactic work based on non-folklore subjects. A folk tale historically precedes a literary one.

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