Holidays and Vacations Free 2015, 2016 in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Saxony, Berlin, etc. - all federal states in Germany - quickly in the overview in the free app. Finally holiday plan!
The simple holiday calendar app shows you when holidays or vacations are in your state, and when there are overlaps with other states. You're coming for example from NRW and want to vacation in the summer holidays 2015, someone from Bavaria to do? Just look when you both have vacation time. Are in Berlin now Easter holidays? Is the All-holy in Lower Saxony, a public holiday? Quick and easy to find out free with the app.
- Holiday calendar overview with school holidays per Country and year
- Indication of how long it is still out until the holidays or the Feritag
- Overview German Holidays by State and Year
- Holidays and for the years 2014, 2015, 2016
Shows detail page for school holidays, the overlap of the holidays with other states -
- View details for Holidays, showing in which states of the day is a public holiday
Supported provinces
- Baden-Württemberg
- Bavaria
- Berlin
- Brandenburg
- Bremen
- Hamburg
- Hesse
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Lower Saxony
- North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW)
- Rheinland-Pfalz
- Saarland
- Saxony
- Sachsen-Anhalt
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Thuringia
The simple holiday calendar app shows you when holidays or vacations are in your state, and when there are overlaps with other states. You're coming for example from NRW and want to vacation in the summer holidays 2015, someone from Bavaria to do? Just look when you both have vacation time. Are in Berlin now Easter holidays? Is the All-holy in Lower Saxony, a public holiday? Quick and easy to find out free with the app.
- Holiday calendar overview with school holidays per Country and year
- Indication of how long it is still out until the holidays or the Feritag
- Overview German Holidays by State and Year
- Holidays and for the years 2014, 2015, 2016
Shows detail page for school holidays, the overlap of the holidays with other states -
- View details for Holidays, showing in which states of the day is a public holiday
Supported provinces
- Baden-Württemberg
- Bavaria
- Berlin
- Brandenburg
- Bremen
- Hamburg
- Hesse
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Lower Saxony
- North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW)
- Rheinland-Pfalz
- Saarland
- Saxony
- Sachsen-Anhalt
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Thuringia
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