Wine brewing attempts can have strange results: from fine wine to sewage water. One of the problems is with how much sugar the brew should start to get a certain Vol % alcohol. After searching the web I found several methods for converting BRIX to SG or SG to BRIX. My refractometer had a BRIX and SG scale but converting the value from one to the other did not match the scale.
I needed a simple and ad-free app to do those kinds of calculations. In addition calculate the amount of sugar required for brewing wine with a certain Vol % of alcohol. Also important: remember all input values so that I do not need to re-enter them with each app start.
So I came up with this Android app BrixSgCalculator.
Enter the measured BRIX/SG and it is converted to SG/BRIX, to the amount of sugar in the liquid and to what alcohol percentage this leads. Instead of BRIX you can also enter a PLATO value. The difference in measured value between the both will be in the 0.0N level (N = 2nd decimal).
Enter the desired alcohol Vol % and it calculates the required: BRIX, SG, sugar; and based on the measured BRIX or SG how much sugar is missing.
Enter the available volume liquid, or juice, and it calculates how much sugar is missing in the liquid based on the measured BRIX or SG; and desired alcohol Vol %.
All values are in SI base units (gram, liter) see
The code is available on GitHub:
I needed a simple and ad-free app to do those kinds of calculations. In addition calculate the amount of sugar required for brewing wine with a certain Vol % of alcohol. Also important: remember all input values so that I do not need to re-enter them with each app start.
So I came up with this Android app BrixSgCalculator.
Enter the measured BRIX/SG and it is converted to SG/BRIX, to the amount of sugar in the liquid and to what alcohol percentage this leads. Instead of BRIX you can also enter a PLATO value. The difference in measured value between the both will be in the 0.0N level (N = 2nd decimal).
Enter the desired alcohol Vol % and it calculates the required: BRIX, SG, sugar; and based on the measured BRIX or SG how much sugar is missing.
Enter the available volume liquid, or juice, and it calculates how much sugar is missing in the liquid based on the measured BRIX or SG; and desired alcohol Vol %.
All values are in SI base units (gram, liter) see
The code is available on GitHub:
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