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Nepali Text On Photo

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About Nepali Text On Photo

फोटोमा नेपाली लेख्नुहोस् with many Nepali stickers.

Write Nepali Text On Photo/Images with Nepali stickers help users to write Nepali text on photos using Nepali stickers and emojis. It helps users to write Nepali status and quotes, love poetry, Nepali jokes, Nepali gazals on the photo with help of in building Nepali typing. Our app contains the best category of Nepali status and quotes, birthday wishes so users can use quotes from different categories in your photo and share their edited photo to impress your friends and family or your crush.

Feature of Write Nepali Text On Photo app :

1. Write Nepali Text On Photo within the build Nepali Keyboard feature.

2. Select images from the phone gallery or camera.

3. Write your Nepali Status and Quotes, trolls, poetry, gazal, Shayari on images.

4. Contain 40+ many Nepali stickers and new stickers updated frequently.

5. Wish your birthday to your friends and family using many Nepali stickers.

6. Contain Nepali Status and Quotes, so you can use it to create different quotes to impress your friends and family or your crush.

7. Share your photo with friends and family on social media with the tap of a button.

8. Works in Offline mode without the internet also.

Write Nepali text on Photo App contain:
- Inbuild Nepali Keyboard
- Nepali Status and Quotes
- Dashain Wishes
- Tihar Wishes
- Birthday Wishes
- Nepali Stickers
- Nepali Fonts

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Nepali Text on Photo with Stickers.
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