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클릭월드 트레블

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About 클릭월드 트레블

★★★★★ Exciting world travel with the globe !!!
★★★★★ Works only with Seojeon Smart Globe.

CLICKWORLD containing world cultural heritage, exotic festivals, and rising Yeohae
Click World, the world's first patented map recognition system
If you take a picture of the corresponding area on the globe, various information from around the world is displayed.
- World country information, UNESCO cultural heritage, superb view of the world, world food,
-Travel around the world, such as the best night view and exotic festivals in the world
I invite you all.

* Refer to the manual of Seojeon District Smart District for usable smartphones
*Supports Click World ( www.sjglobe.co.kr)
*Other inquiries: android.jhkim@gmail.com

클릭월드 트레블 Screenshots