Mp3 & Music Cutter : ringtone  icon

Mp3 & Music Cutter : ringtone

Zinn App Studio
50,000+ downloads

About Mp3 & Music Cutter : ringtone

Mp3 and Music Cutter : My Name ringtone Maker : Voice Changer

Mp3 and music Cutter is the best entertainment app. This app has two main other features like My name ringtone maker and Voice Changer.

Mp3 and Ringtone Cutter and Maker Features:

1 ) Select ringtone Cutter -> Go to Cut Ringtone Section -> Select any music file like mp3

2) Now Select the area you want cut by choosing starting and ending point

3) Now Save the File

Record and Edit Section

1) An option is given where user can record the voice and Save as Ringtone.

My Ringtones -> All the saved files you can get it under this section. User can edit, Set as default or Caller Tone.

My Name Ringtone Maker:

1 ) Make Ringtone -> By entering your name one can easily make their own ringtone. There is option available where you can Apply languages like Spanish, Danish, French, Swedish male or female voices.

2) Ringtone Collection : All the saved ringtone can found here.

Voice Changer:

Voice Changer : Once you record the own voice then select the Voice styles in which you want to convert it like 20 year Girl or boy , old women and men, Loud/Low Tone Girl or Boy.

Voice Album : All the saved Voices can be found here.

Mp3 & Music Cutter : ringtone Screenshots