Zorfware Labs
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Do you like crosswords? Do you like wordgames? Do you like Sudoku? Then VERBUM is the game for you.

Find hidden words by gliding your finger over the letters in any direction on the screen, forward and backward, crisscross or up and down, even zig zag, it doesn’t matter, as long as the letters are connected and next to each other in any direction you will gain points.

We are sure you will love this game once you tried it, and after a few minutes of gaming, when you figured out how to improve your score. It has a giant library of words, it knows more then 75.000 English words, so you don’t get stuck, but hurry time matters.

So what are you waiting for? Download the game, and have fun with the world’s best crisscross wordgame.

Verbum means “the word” in Latin. We didn’t name the game this, because you have to find a certain word, but because you have to find hidden words of two letters or more in a 70 letters grid on the screen. If you find a word with more then two letters, you will be awarded a bonus letter, which will multiply your points, when you include it in a new word before it expires after three rounds. You can even multiply the multiplier, the longer a word you find.

Do you think it sound difficult? We added some extra features to help you make a new record. You can shuffle the board and replace all the letters, remove annoying letters and pause time. Each time you gain a level, you will be awarded an additional 45 seconds of game time, so that you can become the world champions of VERBUM.

Are you ready? Set? Spell…

VERBUM Screenshots