Scuba Bus provides functions related to Sungkyunkwan University Insa Cam Shuttle Bus.
- Check real-time bus location
Where the shuttle bus is now, check the location in real time
- Check real-time bus number table and departure time
Check the bus number and departure time along with the location of the bus.
- Share the current bus status through the sharing function
You can simply share the location of the current shuttle bus by text using the share button.
- Check shuttle bus operation information
I organized the operation information scattered here and there in one place.
- Contact us directly with one click
You can contact us directly by clicking on the contact information in the operation information.
- Check real-time bus location
Where the shuttle bus is now, check the location in real time
- Check real-time bus number table and departure time
Check the bus number and departure time along with the location of the bus.
- Share the current bus status through the sharing function
You can simply share the location of the current shuttle bus by text using the share button.
- Check shuttle bus operation information
I organized the operation information scattered here and there in one place.
- Contact us directly with one click
You can contact us directly by clicking on the contact information in the operation information.
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