The Constitution of the Dominican Republic was promulgated on November 6, 1844, through the official gazette no. 10561.1.
What is the Constitution of the Dominican Republic?
The Political Constitution regulates the operation of the Chilean State, the relations between the power and the citizens, as well as the relations between the powers. In it, the rights that Chileans have are expressly indicated and it also regulates the mechanisms to enforce these rights, for example, through protection resources.
What does article 1 of the Dominican Constitution say?
The Dominican people constitute a Nation organized in a free and independent State, with the name of the Dominican Republic.
What is the Constitution of the Dominican Republic?
The Political Constitution regulates the operation of the Chilean State, the relations between the power and the citizens, as well as the relations between the powers. In it, the rights that Chileans have are expressly indicated and it also regulates the mechanisms to enforce these rights, for example, through protection resources.
What does article 1 of the Dominican Constitution say?
The Dominican people constitute a Nation organized in a free and independent State, with the name of the Dominican Republic.
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