The magnificent temple of Shri Chintamani temple is a large bell. The house of the self-image of the left sondeci, the seat is inserted and East. Both his eyes are red beads and diamonds. The temple has a strong position today.
The village is surrounded ShriKshetra Theur Mula Mutha nadinne. 20 km from Pune, India, is on the Pune-Solapur highway. Butter-Kalbhor village only 7 km Off ShriKshetra is theuragava.
Courtesy: - Ashtavinayak establishment, ShriKshetra Theur. Tal Haveli, Dist Pune
The village is surrounded ShriKshetra Theur Mula Mutha nadinne. 20 km from Pune, India, is on the Pune-Solapur highway. Butter-Kalbhor village only 7 km Off ShriKshetra is theuragava.
Courtesy: - Ashtavinayak establishment, ShriKshetra Theur. Tal Haveli, Dist Pune
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