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Karta Seniora

Reinto s.r.o.
500+ downloads

About Karta Seniora

You can currently choose from over 400 discounts and special offers on our partners. Benefits can be drawn, for example, in the areas of health, sport, culture and travel. Exercises for seniors, theater performances, computer workshops or traveling with friends. The aim of the mobile application Senior Card is to help develop an active lifestyle, promote your hobbies and leisure activities, build friendships and develop valuable relationships. The aim of the application is also to support cross-border activities of seniors.

Other important features of the app include:
- Possibility of storing important contacts to the attending physician and loved ones
- Information on how to deal with an accident, accident.
- Emergency button that immediately calls ambulance or police.
- The health card contains information about your allergies, long-term illnesses and limitations or used medications.
- Notifications will notify you free of charge of new offers and discounts near you.

The senior card required for entry into the application can be obtained through the regional organizations of the Association of Seniors of the Czech Republic, which supports the project. The card is issued in the name of and includes a photo, name, surname, year of birth, place of residence and card number. In the Czech Republic, the project is also supported by the publicly beneficial company Spolne a vydavatel (Senior Passport), and in Slovakia by the Unity of Pensioners in Slovakia.
The project was funded with support from the European Regional Development Fund and the Slovak Republic - Czech Republic Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020.

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