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eBikes škola

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About eBikes škola

The application was created as part of the Bezpečné cesty.cz project, which has long-term efforts to improve traffic safety.

eBikes school is a comprehensive educational project for interested parties and owners of electric bicycles, electric scooters, electric unicycles, etc. It contains information for the safe use of these "e-carts", basic road traffic rules, useful advice and tips, as well as tests to verify the necessary knowledge.

It is essential for the users of these e-strollers to know how to use the machine safely and to be familiar with the relevant road traffic rules. They also need to know what and how to try and train in advance in a safe place, what to watch out for and where there are dangers. Selected traffic situations are realized in a 3D environment for the best possible understanding.

Application themes
• Overview of e-carts (eco-bikes, electric scooters, unicycles, segways...) and their description
• Differences from classic bicycles and scooters without an engine
• Road traffic rules for e-vehicles, helmets, visibility, alcohol, speed...
• Advice on how to get started, what to watch out for, how and where to train, the most common mistakes, etc.
• Tips for safe use on and off the road
• 3D traffic situation (animation)
• Tests to verify knowledge

The project is available for free on the website www.bezpecnecesty.cz and as a mobile application.

The given data may vary depending on the specific means of transport and the environment. This application and its authors are not responsible for any errors or misuse.

The eBikes school project was financed from the loss prevention fund of the Czech Insurers Office.
The damage prevention fund is established by Act No. 168/1999 Coll., and it is materially administered by the Czech Office of Insurers, a professional organization of insurance companies that are authorized to operate liability insurance for damage caused by vehicle operation (compulsory liability) in the territory of the Czech Republic. These insurance companies annually pay 3% of the insurance premium received from the vehicle liability insurance to the damage prevention fund. The funds from the fund are distributed among the basic components of the IZS, i.e. firefighters, policemen and paramedics, other components of the IZS and entities implementing projects leading to increased road safety and prevention programs in the area of ​​damage from vehicle traffic. More information: www.fondzabranyskod.cz.