FlipAnything is a tool for Real Estate Investors, Flippers & Wholesalers to help keep track of possible real estate deals and maximize profits.
Create a property database with photos & videos, GPS coordinates, addresses, prices, contact information, priority and notes on residential, commercial or industrial properties as well as land. View your saved properties on a map and easily keep your possible future investments organized.
FlipAnything even includes calculators to help determine possible profits from flipping tracked properties.
Properties can be easily shared via email or text with friends, potential buyers or fellow investors. You can even choose which information and images will be shared so you aren't giving out any information you would rather keep to yourself.
Create a property database with photos & videos, GPS coordinates, addresses, prices, contact information, priority and notes on residential, commercial or industrial properties as well as land. View your saved properties on a map and easily keep your possible future investments organized.
FlipAnything even includes calculators to help determine possible profits from flipping tracked properties.
Properties can be easily shared via email or text with friends, potential buyers or fellow investors. You can even choose which information and images will be shared so you aren't giving out any information you would rather keep to yourself.
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