Moor erleben in Niedersachsen icon

Moor erleben in Niedersachsen

Biologische Station Osterholz e.V.
500+ downloads

About Moor erleben in Niedersachsen

Moore are fascinating and valuable habitats. They offer rare and protected species such as sundew, bog frogs or lapwings a home. At the same time they are important as carbon sinks for climate protection. With the app, we would like to this particular habitat draw attention and give people the opportunity to get to know this better.

Specifically, has the mooni app "Moor experience in Niedersachsen" their users the chance to find marsh experiences in Lower Saxony. these are

- Moorerlebnis paths
- Historic Moor tracks,
- Interesting hiking or cycling along moorland,
- Great Lookouts
- Environmental education programs for young and old
- Moor information centers or
- Events
- and more

Moreover mooni app offers general information about Moor and the latest news of moorland protection action. These can be events of Moor guides, references to media contributions or contributions to moorland protection.


The mooni app starts Moor-places with selecting multiple categories in the menu. By selecting a category are displayed on a map with the help of icons using the GPS function, the nearest deals. Alternatively, the results can then be displayed in a table. By clicking on the icons open the user a small pop-up window with the first information on the offer. By clicking again on all information is displayed. These are usually more specific descriptions and contact details of the seller.
The main menu is not just the bog-places but also other offers may be selected.

Moor protection in Lower Saxony (mooni):

Mooni is a project of the Biological Station Osterholz e.V. With environmental education tools and a supportive public relations we want to convey knowledge about the benefits and urgency of bog conservation. The project is funded by the Niedersächsische Bingo Environment Foundation.

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Moor erleben in Niedersachsen Screenshots