my alltours travel planner
Hotel information, travel tips, flight details and transfer times
Flight times, hotel information, information on how to get there, excursion tips, weather forecast and now also transfer times: You will find all information about your upcoming holiday in your alltours travel planner. Check your travel dates in the app and find out more about your accommodation at your leisure. The alltours app is a practical companion for your upcoming trip.
All information for your trip on your smartphone
The functions of your alltours travel app in a short overview:
- All travel dates at a glance
- Current information about your flight
- Transfer times from the hotel to the airport
- Vacation countdown
- Weather forecast for your holiday destination
- Easily add travel insurance to your booked trip
- All updates of your trip
- Widget function
- More inspiration for your next alltours holiday
Everything at a glance: You will find all the important information about your holiday in your travel app. Travel dates, flight details and updates on your flights, accommodation and transfer times. Your app puts flight changes and other important travel information at your fingertips. It doesn't matter whether it's photos of the hotel or sights in the area: Get that holiday feeling at home and click straight to the holiday destination.
For the perfect attunement to your trip, you have the weather forecast for your holiday destination in mind. As a special feature, your personal countdown provides anticipation for your trip on your smartphone. Absolutely convenient: With your app you always have an overview of all booked trips.
In addition, you can easily add different types of travel insurance for your booked trip in the app to protect your trip.
Find a variety of travel tips for singles, couples or families in your travel app. From traveling by car to short trips to Mallorca to long-distance trips to the Dominican Republic: browse through the wide range of offers and secure the best deals. With the alltours app, you won't miss an offer.
For your next travel destination: get the best deals
Get inspired for your next trip. In the app you will find countless ideas for your next vacation. With your alltours app, you can also see current savings offers and the best deals immediately. Are you looking for a relaxed beach holiday or an exciting city trip? Get advice on or in your trusted travel agency!
Your alltours vacation team wishes you a safe trip
Hotel information, travel tips, flight details and transfer times
Flight times, hotel information, information on how to get there, excursion tips, weather forecast and now also transfer times: You will find all information about your upcoming holiday in your alltours travel planner. Check your travel dates in the app and find out more about your accommodation at your leisure. The alltours app is a practical companion for your upcoming trip.
All information for your trip on your smartphone
The functions of your alltours travel app in a short overview:
- All travel dates at a glance
- Current information about your flight
- Transfer times from the hotel to the airport
- Vacation countdown
- Weather forecast for your holiday destination
- Easily add travel insurance to your booked trip
- All updates of your trip
- Widget function
- More inspiration for your next alltours holiday
Everything at a glance: You will find all the important information about your holiday in your travel app. Travel dates, flight details and updates on your flights, accommodation and transfer times. Your app puts flight changes and other important travel information at your fingertips. It doesn't matter whether it's photos of the hotel or sights in the area: Get that holiday feeling at home and click straight to the holiday destination.
For the perfect attunement to your trip, you have the weather forecast for your holiday destination in mind. As a special feature, your personal countdown provides anticipation for your trip on your smartphone. Absolutely convenient: With your app you always have an overview of all booked trips.
In addition, you can easily add different types of travel insurance for your booked trip in the app to protect your trip.
Find a variety of travel tips for singles, couples or families in your travel app. From traveling by car to short trips to Mallorca to long-distance trips to the Dominican Republic: browse through the wide range of offers and secure the best deals. With the alltours app, you won't miss an offer.
For your next travel destination: get the best deals
Get inspired for your next trip. In the app you will find countless ideas for your next vacation. With your alltours app, you can also see current savings offers and the best deals immediately. Are you looking for a relaxed beach holiday or an exciting city trip? Get advice on or in your trusted travel agency!
Your alltours vacation team wishes you a safe trip
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