The SV is the largest sports club with about 1,250 members, of which nearly 500 young people in the city of Geseke.
The SV 03 Geseke is a so-called. "More division club" with 14 departments (aerobic ° Badminton ° Capoeira ° Ladies Gymnastics ° Football ° Handball ° Mens jogging ° HipHop ° Judo ° carnival dance ° Track ° Sambo ° Taekwondo ° Dancesport) formed by the merger in 2003 of the two traditional clubs "VfL 09 Geseke" and "Blue-White Geseke". The SV is working in all departments with great success and is aimed especially at young people.
With the app, they remain with push messages and features up-to-date. We also offer in the app to a tickers.
The SV 03 Geseke is a so-called. "More division club" with 14 departments (aerobic ° Badminton ° Capoeira ° Ladies Gymnastics ° Football ° Handball ° Mens jogging ° HipHop ° Judo ° carnival dance ° Track ° Sambo ° Taekwondo ° Dancesport) formed by the merger in 2003 of the two traditional clubs "VfL 09 Geseke" and "Blue-White Geseke". The SV is working in all departments with great success and is aimed especially at young people.
With the app, they remain with push messages and features up-to-date. We also offer in the app to a tickers.
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