Political terms explained briefly
9 dictionaries - search and find around 8000 political terms.
The online encyclopaedias on bpb.de, the website of the Federal Agency for Civic Education, provide short and comprehensible descriptions and definitions of around 8,000 keywords from the fields of politics, business, Europe, environment and culture. They provide information on concepts, persons, countries and institutions from the national and international world of politics and economics: from deputies to the second vote, from Afghanistan to Cyprus.
The right one for everyone.
While the young policy dictionary answers questions from elementary school students, the Pocket series is aimed more at secondary school students I. In addition, the policy encyclopedia (Dietz-Verlag), the Fischer Weltalmanch (Fischer Verlag) and the Duden issues on law and economics, the European Lexicon, the Islam Lexicon (Beck-Verlag) and simply POLITIK explains more than 100 words in simple language.
All nine dictionaries are only available online and can also be accessed at www.bpb.de/nachschlagen.
9 dictionaries - search and find around 8000 political terms.
The online encyclopaedias on bpb.de, the website of the Federal Agency for Civic Education, provide short and comprehensible descriptions and definitions of around 8,000 keywords from the fields of politics, business, Europe, environment and culture. They provide information on concepts, persons, countries and institutions from the national and international world of politics and economics: from deputies to the second vote, from Afghanistan to Cyprus.
The right one for everyone.
While the young policy dictionary answers questions from elementary school students, the Pocket series is aimed more at secondary school students I. In addition, the policy encyclopedia (Dietz-Verlag), the Fischer Weltalmanch (Fischer Verlag) and the Duden issues on law and economics, the European Lexicon, the Islam Lexicon (Beck-Verlag) and simply POLITIK explains more than 100 words in simple language.
All nine dictionaries are only available online and can also be accessed at www.bpb.de/nachschlagen.
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