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Butznickel Nr. 3

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About Butznickel Nr. 3

New Features in the app:

- Higher resolution in zoom mode
- Higher text quality
- Page selection by scrolling preview image menu
- Control a page immediately by page number entry

Germany's first independent digital magazine for treasure hunters and finders, for detectorists, archaeologists, local historians and historians is available for download.

The Butznickel appears several times a year online. At a competitive price of 3.99 € now be on 62 pages (10 pages more) exciting stories around the topics: metal detectors and accessories, reviews, tips and tricks, treasure troves of hobby archaeologists, news from the detectorists scene, fund-restoration and con - vation, Historical and Mythical, Terms of treasure hunting and natural backgrounds to WKI and WWII, etc. presented.

From the contents:

Tribute to the Sondlerfrau

Here we bow to woman behind the Sondler, the Sondlerfrau. The Sondlerfrau is for the Sondlermann what the players wife for the footballers. She is the woman behind the scenes ...

20 years viewfinder & detectorists meeting in Cologne

From 01.11.2013 to 02.11.2013 meeting took place in the restaurant "Gasthof Cöllen" in Cologne the twentieth viewfinder & detectorists instead.

Golden Mask 1 +, 4 PRO and Deep Hunter PI

The Golden Mask 1 +, the Golden Mask Pro 4 and the Golden Mask Deep Hunter PI! We could not wait to check the Completed Koren paces. Here are the test results ...

Disclaimer in Hesse

She was inconspicuously placed, the change in the investigation approval (NFG) the state of Hesse.

Book Launch: German rifle grenades and rifle grenade device to 1945

A rifle grenade is a special shell that can be fired through an essay on the barrel of a gun.

Sondelpower Benny`s GERMAN TREASURE

The news hit like a cluster bomb.

Interview Benny

Exclusive Interview with Sondelpower Benny, the finder of the treasure of German Ruelzheim ...

Silver coins from Rosenau

Vali Popescu and bitch Ryna from Rasnov (Rosenau in German, a small town in Transylvania / Romania) are best friends.


A wooden round house is said to have once stood over him, stunning Celtic treasure.

The treasure at the "devil stone"

Every beginner in the treasure hunter scene once wants dranzuhängen at a slightly greater cause than ever to roam only the fields, forest and meadow, there to liberate the land owners of their scrap metal ...

Treasure Commander - TC1X

Who among us does not know Sondlern (Pro 7 MAXX, "Duck Dynastiy"), the "special" extended family Robertson from the subtropical Louisiana / USA, the Treasure Commander - produces metal detectors ...

Revision of the conservation law in Schleswig-Holstein

This letter was sent to the Diet in Schleswig-Holstein Matthias Kray of AKTIVSUCHER.DE.

Detector test: Detech Winner II

In this Butznickel we have tested the latest version of Detech Winner for you, the Detech Winner II ....


The treasure in the herb Anger

and much more ...

A must for treasure hunters, archaeologists and detectorists!

NEW !!! only in the Butznickel app as a BONUS Content: Tips during a house search.

Butznickel Nr. 3 Screenshots