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Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
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About DataBox

The DataBox-App provides the base for managing your health related data and documents in a digital and consecutive form. The DataBox research team of the conjoint Clinical Study Center of Charité and BIH (Berlin Institute of Health) developed the app in order to provide you, as patient of the National Network Genomic Medicine (nNGM) Lung Cancer, with a patient-centered health management platform.
You and your right to a self-determined handling of your health related data and documents are at the center of DataBox. Within the DataBox-App you can manage your personal user account with all your health related data and documents from anywhere, at any time, neatly and concisely. You can decide yourself which additional information about your present health status you might want to document in your user account by completing the PROM questionnaires (Patient Reported Outcome Measures) provided therein for your use. Furthermore, as patient of the Charité you gain access to all your present health data and documents which are available at the Charité.
You may digitally share the health related data and documents which are stored in the DataBox-App with various medical institutions, research studies or other persons. This is also possible for the outpatient and inpatient sections of the health care system. The DataBox-App allows the sharing of medical data for research purposes as well as allowing the re-tracing, re-identification and re-contacting you by a process of pseudonymization of the transported data. Thus, it becomes possible to link the latest research findings and the clinical therapies directly (translational medicine) and therefor allows for a treatment which is adjusted specifically to your needs (personalized medicine).
Via the DataBox-App, you may also contact the DataBox-team and access the appointments in your research calendar.
The data from you DataBox-App is stored on your device and transferred in an encrypted fashion. Furthermore, you assign a password for your personal user account, which unlocks your DataBox-App. Thereafter you may use biometric features to unlock your device.
DataBox-App usage at present is only and exclusively possible within the DataBox-research setting. Your allocated research center will provide you with your initial registration documents. The research project is being conducted in close association with the responsible data protection department of the Charité. A data protection document has been released before research start, which states all relevant aspects concerning legal data security. Your participation is free and absolutely voluntary. You may withdraw your consent at any time without giving any reason and without causing you any disadvantages.

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