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Pizza La Spaghettata München
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About Pizza La Spaghettata München

Order food online at Pizza La Spaghettata Munich Do you like Indian, French, German, Mexican, Italian, Greek?

You can order a large selection of lovely dishes from our pizza delivery service and have them delivered to your home or perhaps your office. We offer you more than 214 delicious dishes, which we will be happy to order online! The opening times

Buon appetito ... with the delicious pasta dishes from Pizza La Spaghettata! With us you can also enjoy 23 different pastas with friends, which also taste absolutely delicious. Pasta Quattro Formaggi has Pizza La Spaghettata for just € 7.90, Pasta Con Gambberini for delivery or pick-up, Pasta Americano has Pizza La Spaghettata for just € 7.50, Pasta Napoli with tomato sauce is available online here for just € 6 for an uncomplicated order online. Pasta Scampi for a fabulous € 9.90, Pasta Mafia has Pizza La Spaghettata for just € 7.50.

Order totally delicious Chinese in Munich securely online - with Pizza La Spaghettata actually no problem. At Pizza La Spaghettata in Munich you can also eat appetizing Asian delicacies. You can get tasty, good sweet and sour lobster crabs at Pizza La Spaghettata for € 13.50, sweet and sour duck for € 11.50, mouth-watering chop suey straight to you, spicy 7 spring rolls are delivered at a price of € 3.90 , You can get sweet and sour chicken at Pizza La Spaghettata for 8.50 euros & Pizza La Spaghettata has 6 baked wontons for just 4.00 euros.

Hungry for Indian? How about today with ... At Pizza La Spaghettata you can of course also have delicious Indian dishes. Chicken Korma can be picked up or delivered quickly for € 8.50, pizza chicken curry can be ordered for € 7.90-11.90, deliciously seasoned fish curry is brought to you for € 9.90 and butter chicken chicken in Butter tomato sauce for an amazing € 8.50.
Your Pizza La Spaghettata Team Munich

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