"My contacts" contains all registered persons.
"Add contact" a new contact (profile person) is created.
"Relationship related to maiden name" includes the following relationships:
• Mother
• Father
• wife
• husband
• Ex wife
• ex-husband
• Partner
• significant other
• Ex-girlfriend
• ex-significant other
• Child
"Manage categories" allows you to specify the group to which the profile person belongs, for example:
• Family Mueller
• Maier family
• work colleagues
• holiday acquaintance
• Neighbors
• etc.
"Contacts Import / Export" allows the data to be transferred to another device, back and forth. (Attention: photo, video and music can not be taken)
Profile pic
New contact person is created with photo, video and music (from own photo library or video library). Pre-marked information about new contact persons (profile person) are:
"Surname, first name, maiden name, gender, birthday, day of death, occupation, address".
"Notes" (create interesting information about the person, possibly the 2nd address, telephone number, e-mail, workplace, etc.)
"Category" (select category) Here you determine the assignment of the profile person to the respective kinship group or acquaintance group (family Mustermann, family Müller, work colleagues, holiday acquaintance, neighbors etc.).
"Relatives with maiden name" determines the degree of relationship to the profile person (mother, father, partner and children, sister, brother). These in turn enable the new contacts which determine the further connection to the relationship or acquaintance and ensure the continuity of the lineage of relatives and acquaintances, e.g. Father and mother is the connection to their parents (your grandparents).
Partner allows connection to their families.
Siblings allows the connection to their partners, their nieces and nephews and their families.
Guide to the app:
The children are added to the parents profile (are the siblings) and the parents to the respective child profile.
Please enter only the links listed above.
Label, in contact (profile) mask "relatives with maiden name".
"Add contact" a new contact (profile person) is created.
"Relationship related to maiden name" includes the following relationships:
• Mother
• Father
• wife
• husband
• Ex wife
• ex-husband
• Partner
• significant other
• Ex-girlfriend
• ex-significant other
• Child
"Manage categories" allows you to specify the group to which the profile person belongs, for example:
• Family Mueller
• Maier family
• work colleagues
• holiday acquaintance
• Neighbors
• etc.
"Contacts Import / Export" allows the data to be transferred to another device, back and forth. (Attention: photo, video and music can not be taken)
Profile pic
New contact person is created with photo, video and music (from own photo library or video library). Pre-marked information about new contact persons (profile person) are:
"Surname, first name, maiden name, gender, birthday, day of death, occupation, address".
"Notes" (create interesting information about the person, possibly the 2nd address, telephone number, e-mail, workplace, etc.)
"Category" (select category) Here you determine the assignment of the profile person to the respective kinship group or acquaintance group (family Mustermann, family Müller, work colleagues, holiday acquaintance, neighbors etc.).
"Relatives with maiden name" determines the degree of relationship to the profile person (mother, father, partner and children, sister, brother). These in turn enable the new contacts which determine the further connection to the relationship or acquaintance and ensure the continuity of the lineage of relatives and acquaintances, e.g. Father and mother is the connection to their parents (your grandparents).
Partner allows connection to their families.
Siblings allows the connection to their partners, their nieces and nephews and their families.
Guide to the app:
The children are added to the parents profile (are the siblings) and the parents to the respective child profile.
Please enter only the links listed above.
Label, in contact (profile) mask "relatives with maiden name".
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