Anytime LIVE on the Döppersberg, Wuppertal's largest and most important traffic junctions. The Doeppersberg app shows anytime over 5 Cams 24/7 what happens on "Döpps" in Elberfeld.
1. Live Cams
How far are the conversion work?
Which Stra fl e it accumulates even?
If you move better through the city or on the highway?
Being celebrated on Bundesallee?
2. Panoramic
Whether you're just somewhere else or maybe the weather is bad: The 360 ° panoramic view of one of the tallest buildings in Wuppertal creates new perspectives.
3. Which way to Döpps?
How do I get to Wuppertal main transport hub? No complicated navigation or any cards. Direction and distance to finish. For direct start walking.
4. completion
The Döppersberg is converted to 2017th The seconds-date computer shows when the time comes.
1. Live Cams
How far are the conversion work?
Which Stra fl e it accumulates even?
If you move better through the city or on the highway?
Being celebrated on Bundesallee?
2. Panoramic
Whether you're just somewhere else or maybe the weather is bad: The 360 ° panoramic view of one of the tallest buildings in Wuppertal creates new perspectives.
3. Which way to Döpps?
How do I get to Wuppertal main transport hub? No complicated navigation or any cards. Direction and distance to finish. For direct start walking.
4. completion
The Döppersberg is converted to 2017th The seconds-date computer shows when the time comes.
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