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Happy Meal Schlümpfe App

McDonald's Deutschland LLC
10,000+ downloads

About Happy Meal Schlümpfe App

Little smurfs, big plans.

You've never seen the Smurfs like this before.
19 exciting Smurfs in an exclusive design and lots of fun.
Because just like every child, the Smurfs are different and have individual characters with their own interests. And at the same time they are a family.

The app includes great games, hands-on activities and information about each Smurf character.
This is what you can experience with the Smurfs:
• Games:
◦ Play basketball with them in your room.
◦ Ride them bikes through the forest and quickly bring the apples to Smurf Village.
◦ Repair the pipes to get water flowing in the well again.
• Participation campaigns:
◦ Learn new dance steps and join in!
◦ Learn how to communicate with people who can't hear.
◦ Or just take a break and do a breathing exercise with them.

You can discover that and much more in this app.

And best of all, you can also experience every Smurf in AR. Let them run around your room and take great photos or videos with them that you can also send.

What is AR?
Augmented Reality (AR for short) combines the real world with interactive animations that you can access via a smartphone or tablet. For example, you can look at Smurfs in 3D, look at them from all sides or play with them.
With this app you will get to know a number of possible AR functions.
Let yourself be surprised!

Warning: This app does not contain any advertising and was specially developed for children.