WAU! Goes before thee a dog in the car or is the holder of the vehicle about from Wuppertal and brought his love for the barking quadrupeds with his flag for expression? Or both? That probably depends on whether we write the license plate W-AU or about WA-U. Because then he would not come out of the city in North Rhine-Westphalia with the world-famous monorail, but from ... well, from which city or county, then? These and over 600 other features you are allowed to guess the quiz style here. Four answers will be provided to you to choose from, only one is correct.
About 600 mark? No, all! From A Aachen (or Augsburg was here is nothing secret) to ZZ. Except so a few very special cases, such as the characteristics of the state governments to you. But at least all currently valid license plate from Germany are the subject of this game. So we have all added to the app, including the reintroduction of 1 November 2012, license plate, for example, ZP for Zschopau in the Erzgebirge and so on.
Especially in terms of wrong answers, we tried realistic rate alternatives for the license record. These are not at all always so easy to find for abbreviations like KYF and the identification with spatial derivative. What? There is only one city with X at the beginning? What alternatives are we supposed to find Xanten please? You say, Xanten has no own mark, but has WES, DIN, MO in Wesel? But since we're lucky. Sorry, their Xanten.
To make the app a little more entertaining, we have also provided every tenth question with a picture, which shows a car with a more or less witty mark. WAU!
Oh, WA-U would be either the Waldeck-Frankenberg, the county Wanzleben-Borde, of Waldshut-Tiengen or the county wachenheim. Make a decision!
Features from the license plate Quiz:
(Ie all) contain almost 700 plates from Germany -
- Joker (50:50, timers and skip)
- Advertising removable with a unique purchase
- Different difficulty
- Entertaining and educational experience
- highscores and achievements
By the way: We are an independent publisher, whose team has set itself the goal of informing with easily accessible quizzes about interesting facts and events entertaining. In the game there are advertising to finance the development costs. We offer the possibility to be removed by one-time purchase them. Also, you can show your appreciation you with us through a small purchase of Jokers. So of course, it also increases your chance in the integrated leaderboards Google Play Games to continue to come up and unlock all three Achievements for your gamer profile. Get yourself the XP!
You saw a funny indicator that we are to receive? Then contact us via the feedback button in the app or write us on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AppSalamandr
About 600 mark? No, all! From A Aachen (or Augsburg was here is nothing secret) to ZZ. Except so a few very special cases, such as the characteristics of the state governments to you. But at least all currently valid license plate from Germany are the subject of this game. So we have all added to the app, including the reintroduction of 1 November 2012, license plate, for example, ZP for Zschopau in the Erzgebirge and so on.
Especially in terms of wrong answers, we tried realistic rate alternatives for the license record. These are not at all always so easy to find for abbreviations like KYF and the identification with spatial derivative. What? There is only one city with X at the beginning? What alternatives are we supposed to find Xanten please? You say, Xanten has no own mark, but has WES, DIN, MO in Wesel? But since we're lucky. Sorry, their Xanten.
To make the app a little more entertaining, we have also provided every tenth question with a picture, which shows a car with a more or less witty mark. WAU!
Oh, WA-U would be either the Waldeck-Frankenberg, the county Wanzleben-Borde, of Waldshut-Tiengen or the county wachenheim. Make a decision!
Features from the license plate Quiz:
(Ie all) contain almost 700 plates from Germany -
- Joker (50:50, timers and skip)
- Advertising removable with a unique purchase
- Different difficulty
- Entertaining and educational experience
- highscores and achievements
By the way: We are an independent publisher, whose team has set itself the goal of informing with easily accessible quizzes about interesting facts and events entertaining. In the game there are advertising to finance the development costs. We offer the possibility to be removed by one-time purchase them. Also, you can show your appreciation you with us through a small purchase of Jokers. So of course, it also increases your chance in the integrated leaderboards Google Play Games to continue to come up and unlock all three Achievements for your gamer profile. Get yourself the XP!
You saw a funny indicator that we are to receive? Then contact us via the feedback button in the app or write us on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AppSalamandr
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