The app remembers reliably to any discharge date in the districts of Stormarn and Hzgt. Lauenburg. So that you never forget, when the waste is handled. Postponements due to holidays are no longer a problem, since they are already incorporated. With the free app you are always up to date and can save your personal waste schedule including memory function. Simply download the app "AWSH-Valuable Dates", select address and types of waste, set alarm time and get started! You can select up to 5 different addresses (ideal for caretakers and property managers).
AWSH-Valuable Dates navigated the nearest recycling containers for glass, paper and used clothing and the AWSH-recycling centers and knows their opening times. The outlets for waste bags can be queried. Under the menu item Error messages can be information about Nachleerungen due to disturbances such as receive sites.
Important note for users of a Samsung device or another device with power saving feature: Some Android devices, for example, Samsung and Sony, use programs to optimize battery life, for example, the Samsung "Smart Manager". These programs prevent the execution of our app in the background, so that messages are no longer displayed. Please add the AWSH app as an exception, so our app can send notifications when it is not actively used.
AWSH-Valuable Dates navigated the nearest recycling containers for glass, paper and used clothing and the AWSH-recycling centers and knows their opening times. The outlets for waste bags can be queried. Under the menu item Error messages can be information about Nachleerungen due to disturbances such as receive sites.
Important note for users of a Samsung device or another device with power saving feature: Some Android devices, for example, Samsung and Sony, use programs to optimize battery life, for example, the Samsung "Smart Manager". These programs prevent the execution of our app in the background, so that messages are no longer displayed. Please add the AWSH app as an exception, so our app can send notifications when it is not actively used.
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