Organize your checklists / to-do lists in subfolders. Progress bars show the percentage of checked entries in a folder and all of its subfolders. Assign (optional) deadlines to individual entries and add detailed descriptions. Quickly create series of similar folders / entries by adding number ranges to the title, e.g. "Apartment {1-4}.{01-12}" to create 48 entries for 4 floors with 12 apartments each.
- create/delete entries
- check/uncheck entries
- add optional details and deadlines to entries
- sort by title or by deadline
- create folders containing entries and further folders
- create series of folders/entries by including number ranges in the title
- see number of checked/finished entries in a folder and its subfolders
- XML import/export
- no permissions required
- create/delete entries
- check/uncheck entries
- add optional details and deadlines to entries
- sort by title or by deadline
- create folders containing entries and further folders
- create series of folders/entries by including number ranges in the title
- see number of checked/finished entries in a folder and its subfolders
- XML import/export
- no permissions required
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