There are endless ways to meditate. Which should you choose? And like meditation "works" at all?
Our professionally recorded voice guided meditations based on each other and provide an introduction to the basics of meditation, without being guided by a particular system or presuppose knowledge.
Elements from the autogenous training, visualization and positive suggestions to ensure that you are completely new get to know you in deep relaxation - as a universal power source and way to deep serenity that you can take in everyday life to be better equipped to deal with stress.
We have designed these guided meditations especially for the curious and beginners. Make you different approaches to meditative introspection before - without any religious or esoteric content, because this is all about, yourself better kennzulernen to do something for your body and your health, reduce stress and to practice your ability to concentrate.
Previous experience is not necessary, because all that matters is your own inner experience. In the nine guided meditations, each about 12 to 18 minutes in length, we show you how to set your mind on your inner happenings and find with the help of breathing exercises and mental images of deep inner calm and relaxed attention can.
So you'll find easy access to your inner experience, train attention and concentration, and learn first-hand how beneficial can be meditation.
The meditations were eingesprochen from düsseldorfer Sprecher Daniel Converts professionally in the studio. His soothing voice has seen many enchanted!
In the free version of this app there is a brief guide to meditation and the first two guided meditations to try out. The other meditations can be purchased for a single small amount within the app. These meditations are included:
1) self-perception and visualization - explore your inner landscape as imaginary forest to get to know your thoughts and feelings.
2) Breathing Meditation - use the natural flow of your breath to find fully relax and let go of worries and problems and to regain strength and energy.
3) contemplation - immerse yourself into an object of your choice to find out what he is in himself and what he means to you.
4) Energizing Breathing: Breathe pure life energy! This meditation works especially invigorating and refreshing and is ideally suited to overcome after a long work fatigue and exhaustion.
5) Relaxation Breathing: solve Mental and physical tension. Use the natural respiratory motion to transfer the relaxation of the respiratory muscles during exhalation on the entire body.
6) The moment of silence: For deep inner peace and serenity. Calm relaxed in your midst, completely silent and resolved.
7) power and life: You are part of the vibrancy in this world
8) power and life: your consciousness expands
9) power and life: You are connected to everything!
Charging you now this app and try the meditation itself: Your spiritual power-up that boosts up for the day and give you confidence and serenity.
Our professionally recorded voice guided meditations based on each other and provide an introduction to the basics of meditation, without being guided by a particular system or presuppose knowledge.
Elements from the autogenous training, visualization and positive suggestions to ensure that you are completely new get to know you in deep relaxation - as a universal power source and way to deep serenity that you can take in everyday life to be better equipped to deal with stress.
We have designed these guided meditations especially for the curious and beginners. Make you different approaches to meditative introspection before - without any religious or esoteric content, because this is all about, yourself better kennzulernen to do something for your body and your health, reduce stress and to practice your ability to concentrate.
Previous experience is not necessary, because all that matters is your own inner experience. In the nine guided meditations, each about 12 to 18 minutes in length, we show you how to set your mind on your inner happenings and find with the help of breathing exercises and mental images of deep inner calm and relaxed attention can.
So you'll find easy access to your inner experience, train attention and concentration, and learn first-hand how beneficial can be meditation.
The meditations were eingesprochen from düsseldorfer Sprecher Daniel Converts professionally in the studio. His soothing voice has seen many enchanted!
In the free version of this app there is a brief guide to meditation and the first two guided meditations to try out. The other meditations can be purchased for a single small amount within the app. These meditations are included:
1) self-perception and visualization - explore your inner landscape as imaginary forest to get to know your thoughts and feelings.
2) Breathing Meditation - use the natural flow of your breath to find fully relax and let go of worries and problems and to regain strength and energy.
3) contemplation - immerse yourself into an object of your choice to find out what he is in himself and what he means to you.
4) Energizing Breathing: Breathe pure life energy! This meditation works especially invigorating and refreshing and is ideally suited to overcome after a long work fatigue and exhaustion.
5) Relaxation Breathing: solve Mental and physical tension. Use the natural respiratory motion to transfer the relaxation of the respiratory muscles during exhalation on the entire body.
6) The moment of silence: For deep inner peace and serenity. Calm relaxed in your midst, completely silent and resolved.
7) power and life: You are part of the vibrancy in this world
8) power and life: your consciousness expands
9) power and life: You are connected to everything!
Charging you now this app and try the meditation itself: Your spiritual power-up that boosts up for the day and give you confidence and serenity.
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