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Wolfsburger Lupe

Stadt Wolfsburg
100+ downloads

About Wolfsburger Lupe

You can use a search term or the category search to find well-founded advice, educational and leisure offers, information on daycare centers and schools as well as guides, tips and much more from small and large providers in Wolfsburg for small and large Wolfsburg residents.
Intelligent filters help you to refine your search. In addition to searching using subcategories or keywords, you can also use the district search. Other search and filter options include date, time, target group and type of appointment.
Your POI's are sorted according to categories, optionally in a list or map view. The venues or providers present themselves with their key data, possibly also with photos and the description of their offers. In addition, there are watch lists with places and offers that are related in terms of content.
Another feature are the guides: clear and clearly structured, they provide valuable assistance in many aspects of everyday life with short articles and links to topic-related websites.

If required, the WOLFSBURGER LUPE is dynamically translated into up to 10 languages ​​using deepL technology.

The Wolfsburger Lupe was developed barrier-free according to WCAG Standard 2.1 up to and including Level AA. This corresponds to the legal requirements according to BITV and includes, among other things:
• Keyboard operation
• Optimization for screen readers
• Optimization of visual elements (contrasts, scalability)

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