Mensa Balance icon

Mensa Balance

Jakob Wenzel
4.4 out of 5
50,000+ downloads

About Mensa Balance

This app allows you to read the current balance on your Mensa Card.

Cards of these Universities are supported:
* Uni Bamberg
* Uni Bayreuth (only Print-/Copy-balance visible)
* Uni Bielefeld (only newer cards)
* Uni Bochum (only newer cards)
* FH Brandenburg
* TU Braunschweig
* Uni Bremen
* HS Bremerhaven
* TU Clausthal
* TU Darmstadt
* h_da Darmstadt
* TU Dresden Emeal
* HS Freiburg
* DH Gera Eisenbach
* Uni Greifswald
* MLU Halle
* HAW Hamburg
* HS Hannover
* Uni Heidelberg
* TU Ilmenau
* HS Koblenz
* Uni Koblenz
* FH Köln
* Uni Köln
* Uni Leipzig
* Uni Lüneburg
* Uni Magdeburg
* DHBW Mosbach
* HS Offenburg
* Uni Osnabrück
* HS Osnabrück
* Uni Saarland
* Uni Stuttgart
* FH Würzburg
* Uni Würzburg
* HS Zittau/Görlitz

If your University is not listed here, it's possible that the app works anyway, so just try and maybe send me a mail if it does :)

Mensa Balance Screenshots