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Help Now

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About Help Now

Match. Chat. Help

Lots of people need help. Many people want to help. HelpNow brings both together. We match requests for help with offers of help. This is how volunteers work without any association or membership. No matter whether it is about care, tutoring or gardening - HelpNow helps you to help others, simply, directly, uncomplicated.


How, when, where and to whom you help - you decide. No stress. Not a lengthy process. You have the choice if you want to spontaneously help an elderly with shopping or teach children German every Wednesday. The HelpNow app is perfectly tailored for you. Tap once and you will see who needs help near you. Tap twice and you get in touch. Log in, take a look, help. Quite spontaneously or with advance notice. You decide whether you have time today, tomorrow, or next month. HelpNow makes helping out as easy as ordering pizza.

Who helps you, when, where and with what - you decide everything. HelpNow brings you exactly the help you need. Support in dealing with authorities; hobby gardeners: help mowing the lawn; students: help in the community or with homework - everything is just a tap away. Everything is very straightforward. You log in, briefly describe what you need help with and wait for someone to contact you. No stress. No pressure. No responsibilities. Because in the end you decide which offer of help you accept.


Help means: two people meet and get to know each other, at eye level and with respect. This is a great opportunity: to do things that we haven't done before, for people we didn't know before. That's why HelpNow wants to make more cooperation possible. Between old and young. Between people with and without a migration background. Between families and singles. We all need help at some point, no matter where we come from. And we can all help at some point, no matter who we are.


Help needs trust. We know this. That's why all users have an individual, secure account on HelpNow, regardless of whether they want to help or are looking for help. Only when you are logged in can you see who needs help or ask for help. A face-to-face meeting is only arranged when both sides have chatted with each other.

Have you never been a volunteer? Or have you never asked for help? Do you have any questions or are you unsure? No problem. On HelpNow there are tips and personal anecdotes, suggestions and suggestions, Do’s and Maybe Don’ts. Because help has to feel good for both sides.

It's a matter of honor

Volunteering means: working voluntarily without anything in return, not for yourself but for everyone. It means spending energy and time making a contribution to society. In Germany, 31 million people do that. They are lay judges, swimming instructors and referees. They put out fires at the voluntary fire brigade and help refugees with the German bureaucracy. You shop, read aloud, lend a hand - and all for others. Some invest every free hour in their voluntary work. Others help once a month. They all ensure that society works and that help arrives where it is needed.

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