Exchange rate list of the National Bank of Serbia for the current day. Informative conversion of one currency into another is enabled. The exchange rate of the dinar against the euro and the dollar for the next working day is shown. Currency and country codes, a list of banks, dinar and foreign currency payments, as well as non-working days in the current year are also available.
- dinar exchange rate
- data on the indicative exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar, which is calculated on the basis of the indicative exchange rate of the dinar against the euro and the intercurrency ratio of the euro against the dollar on foreign markets valid at the time of publication, as a rule;
- data on the indicative exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar, which is calculated on the basis of the official average exchange rate of the dinar against the euro and the intercurrency ratio of the euro against the dollar on foreign markets valid at the time of publication, is usually published by 6 p.m.
- exchange rate list - official middle exchange rate of dinars, as well as exchange rate list for foreign exchange and effective foreign currency
- currency converter - informative currency converter
- list of banks - list of all banks, with basic information, in the Republic of Serbia
- list of countries - country names, country codes and codes are displayed
- dinar payment codes
- foreign currency payment codes
- list of currencies - list of currencies of all countries of the world
- non-working days - non-working days and holidays celebrated on working days in the Republic of Serbia, for the current year
The application supports dark and light theme. On those phones whose operating system supports themes, the application automatically adapts to the theme of the phone. On other devices, in the application settings section, it is possible to manually select the desired theme.
NOTE: Data on the dinar exchange rate, exchange rate list for foreign currencies and other data are not available if the mobile device is not connected to the Internet.
- dinar exchange rate
- data on the indicative exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar, which is calculated on the basis of the indicative exchange rate of the dinar against the euro and the intercurrency ratio of the euro against the dollar on foreign markets valid at the time of publication, as a rule;
- data on the indicative exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar, which is calculated on the basis of the official average exchange rate of the dinar against the euro and the intercurrency ratio of the euro against the dollar on foreign markets valid at the time of publication, is usually published by 6 p.m.
- exchange rate list - official middle exchange rate of dinars, as well as exchange rate list for foreign exchange and effective foreign currency
- currency converter - informative currency converter
- list of banks - list of all banks, with basic information, in the Republic of Serbia
- list of countries - country names, country codes and codes are displayed
- dinar payment codes
- foreign currency payment codes
- list of currencies - list of currencies of all countries of the world
- non-working days - non-working days and holidays celebrated on working days in the Republic of Serbia, for the current year
The application supports dark and light theme. On those phones whose operating system supports themes, the application automatically adapts to the theme of the phone. On other devices, in the application settings section, it is possible to manually select the desired theme.
NOTE: Data on the dinar exchange rate, exchange rate list for foreign currencies and other data are not available if the mobile device is not connected to the Internet.
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