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Measure distance on map

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About Measure distance on map

Map Distance Measure

is an easy to use app to measure distance on maps. You can either use the map pin or the pen tool to measure distance. If you want to measure distance between two points, just place pins in those points and tap the measure button. The path button allows you to draw a continuous path through points that is measured by your finger in the order you touch them.

This app provides you with the direction, time and distances between cities, countries, points of interest, addresses and coordinates. Maps distance calculator - just enter your start point location address or coordinates and this app will calculate the distance of your nearest destination.

With the Map Distance Measure, you can measure distances on a map in two ways. Firstly, you can place pins on map and measure distance between consecutive pins. Secondly, you can measure continuous path among points by pen tool.

We will help you measure the distance between any two points, anywhere on the globe. Simply input your location and the location of your destination and our app will show you the distance in miles, kilometers, or both!

Measure distance on map Screenshots