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About Enhance

A game about Bucket, a robot working its way to the top of the social ladder through cool upgrades and internet followers... only to realize that the dream it’s chasing is rotten.

Narrative Synopsis
Bucket, the player character, is a lonely, small robot in a robot world. After awaking inside of a factory and going through a first working day, it receives a phone and discovers social media. On InstaBot Bucket gets in contact with other Robots, find out about new Upgrades and applies for new Jobs.

Over time Bucket becomes more successful, works at more advanced factories, earns more money, builds a following on InstaBot and progresses into the Elite circles of Robots. Only to figure out that even though it is reaching the top it has not found the happiness it set out to find...

Gameplay Features
• Gesture-based, fast-paced gameplay that requires quick reflexes and muscle-memory
• Robot Social Media for a slow-paced hub of storytelling and progression
• High fidelity graphics in 3 different environments
• Interesting narrative

Enhance Screenshots