Historical dictionary of foreign words that describe the language's most foreign words. The dictionary contains 80,000 entries, including Latin and Greek sentences.
Meyers Fremmedordbog is a classic among Danish foreign books. It was first released in 1837, but has been updated several times since. It does not include entries that are newer than about 1920, but it also entails a string of absolute strangers foreign words as "Idiosomnambulisme", "Zagal" and "phelloplastisk", which are not described in other Danish dictionaries. It is the ideal addition to dictionaries of The Danish Dictionary and Dictionary of the Danish language.
Meyers Fremmedordbog is part of ordnet.dk family and is available at http://meyersfremmedordbog.dk. It is published by the Danish Language and Literature (DSL), which has more than 100 years of experience in publishing dictionaries and behind the largest Danish native language dictionaries. The digitization of Meyers Fremmedordbog is supported by the Shipowner Carsten Brebøls Philanthropic Foundation and is done by kind permission of the rights holders, Frederik Viggo Dahl's heirs, and Gyldendal.
The dictionary is an independent app, but linking directly to entries in other dictionaries from the Danish Language and Literature, for example, the Danish Dictionary and Dictionary of the Danish language.
The app requires internet access. That way you are sure to always have access to the latest version of the dictionary as we improve it, without having to update the app. And it's all free. Have fun!
Meyers Fremmedordbog is a classic among Danish foreign books. It was first released in 1837, but has been updated several times since. It does not include entries that are newer than about 1920, but it also entails a string of absolute strangers foreign words as "Idiosomnambulisme", "Zagal" and "phelloplastisk", which are not described in other Danish dictionaries. It is the ideal addition to dictionaries of The Danish Dictionary and Dictionary of the Danish language.
Meyers Fremmedordbog is part of ordnet.dk family and is available at http://meyersfremmedordbog.dk. It is published by the Danish Language and Literature (DSL), which has more than 100 years of experience in publishing dictionaries and behind the largest Danish native language dictionaries. The digitization of Meyers Fremmedordbog is supported by the Shipowner Carsten Brebøls Philanthropic Foundation and is done by kind permission of the rights holders, Frederik Viggo Dahl's heirs, and Gyldendal.
The dictionary is an independent app, but linking directly to entries in other dictionaries from the Danish Language and Literature, for example, the Danish Dictionary and Dictionary of the Danish language.
The app requires internet access. That way you are sure to always have access to the latest version of the dictionary as we improve it, without having to update the app. And it's all free. Have fun!
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