It has become more expensive to use electricity, and it pays to set the timer on the dishwasher. Use the app here to find out when electricity is cheapest in the coming time. New prices are available around 13 every day.
No magic and no fuss, just the fastest overview of the upcoming prices on the Play Store. At the same time, you can easily specify your own network company, so that you get exactly the right charges and tariffs, so that you can find out in a few seconds how the timer should be set.
Note: The app uses data from Energinet and is thus dependent on their availability. We cannot guarantee that this will be the case in the future.
No magic and no fuss, just the fastest overview of the upcoming prices on the Play Store. At the same time, you can easily specify your own network company, so that you get exactly the right charges and tariffs, so that you can find out in a few seconds how the timer should be set.
Note: The app uses data from Energinet and is thus dependent on their availability. We cannot guarantee that this will be the case in the future.
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