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Highland Mobile

Highland Community College
3.8 out of 5
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About Highland Mobile

Whether you're a Highland Community College of northwest Illinois student, alumni, campus guest, or a diehard Cougar fan, Highland Mobile is for you. Get the latest on news and events, find your way around campus, access faculty and staff phone numbers and email addresses, connect with official HCC social media sites, and more. Students can access class schedules, course grades, Highland email, library resources, Moodle, and more.

Campus Calendar -- all the upcoming HCC events

News and Events Feed -- find out what's happening at HCC

Special Announcements -- campus closure and emergency information

Login -- Highland email, class schedule, course grades, Moodle account, and more

Campus maps -- find out how to get where you want to go.

Campus directory and important phone numbers -- get in touch with faculty and staff

Bookstore -- get J. Rosemary Shockey HCC Bookstore information

Arts Café -- get the daily cafeteria menu

Library resources -- access Prairie Cat, articles, and books

Athletics -- Follow Highland Cougars sports teams

Social media -- connect to HCC on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and more

Highland Mobile Screenshots