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ERR Jupiter

Eesti Rahvusringhääling
10,000+ downloads

About ERR Jupiter

Jupiter is a new program of Estonian Public Broadcasting. At the same time, the Jupiter web channel is the world's largest Estonian-language Free Video On Demand (FVOD), bringing together the best radio and TV programs produced in ERR, spicing it up with a high-quality foreign procurement program and offering convenient ERR radio and TV channel viewing. Jupiter was born on April 22, 2020, and together with its sister child Children's Screen, it has quickly become a favorite of listeners and viewers. Stream visitors spend more than three hours a week in Jupiter. The strength of Jupiter can be considered to be the availability of serials regardless of time and place, seasonally, in a visually enjoyable environment. Jupiter also offers additional opportunities for ERR's traditional linear channels, but also for young people - many of whom do not have access to traditional electronic media devices such as television or radio.

NB! Videos are transmitted and played in their original aspect ratio (including 4: 3).

ERR Jupiter Screenshots