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Français CM2 E-MTYAZ

Hicham Layati
10,000+ downloads

About Français CM2 E-MTYAZ

- French CM2 is an educational and interactive application that contains hundreds of questions from various disciplines: Grammar - Conjugation - Spelling - Lexicon ...

- It helps learners to revise the lessons of the 5th and 6th primary year in a simple, fluid and attractive way...

- It aims to improve the learning of French in a fun way.

- E-Mtyaz includes a conjugation table equipped with voice synthesis, which aims to train you to memorize the conjugation of common verbs at various tenses.

- Text-to-speech integration will help you improve pronunciation and listening.

- You can go back to your wrong answers at the end of the quiz to self-correct.

- The E-Mtyaz app is an easy and simple way that will help you interactively memorize what you learn.

- E-MTYAZ which is pronounced imtyaz or imtiaz or imtiyaz is the free application that suits you the most...

*** Noticed ***

In case of problems with the operation of the application, please contact us at the following email address:

تطبيق امتياز أو امتياز اللغة الفرنسية للخامس إبتدائي هو علي سهل و بسيط
تطبيق امتياز يحتوي على مئات الأسئلة و الأجوبة في مختلف مكونات اللغ ة الفرنسية, نصوص مقروءة بشكل أوتوماتيكي لتحسين نطق مستعمليه....

. ل الفهم والإجابة

. امتياز هو تطبيق مجاني يساعد كل تلاميذ الإبتدائي على تعلم الفرنسية عن طريق العب و التسلية دون الحاجة للأنترنيت

Français CM2 E-MTYAZ Screenshots