For more than 10 years, the ASPAYM National Federation has been working in the area of prevention of spinal cord injury due to traffic accidents.
In this campaign, "Willy" represents a person who, after a traffic accident, has a spinal cord injury and brings us closer to the consequences of non-responsible attitudes in road safety and conveys positive messages of tolerance and empathy with diversity.
In this sense, the population is made aware of the consequences of irresponsible acts on urban roads, the derivations of suffering a spinal cord injury - great physical disability-, the serious consequences that accidents can cause and the way in which it is carried out. prevent them, correcting bad habits that are learned emphasizing distractions, use of safety devices ...
In this campaign, "Willy" represents a person who, after a traffic accident, has a spinal cord injury and brings us closer to the consequences of non-responsible attitudes in road safety and conveys positive messages of tolerance and empathy with diversity.
In this sense, the population is made aware of the consequences of irresponsible acts on urban roads, the derivations of suffering a spinal cord injury - great physical disability-, the serious consequences that accidents can cause and the way in which it is carried out. prevent them, correcting bad habits that are learned emphasizing distractions, use of safety devices ...
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