The modern solution for taxi drivers, working individually and to organizations taxi drivers ECT system.
Key features: taxi
- GPS-taximeter, which allows drivers of vehicles taxi, to work independently, to adjust the six individual tariffs and use them in their work;
- GPS-taximeter not only considers the amount to pay in a taxi on the kilometrage, but also automatically compensates for delays, slow movement in city traffic and stop in traffic;
- fully automated with the taxi work order system allows the driver in real time to see all the orders coming into the system. For taking the order by just pushing a button;
- Pre-order management system allows taxi in advance to plan their work during a work shift;
- flexible rating system allows drivers of vehicles taxi, meet certain criteria to receive benefits in the selection order.
With the application «TAXI600 Driver» you can start making your own right now.
Key features: taxi
- GPS-taximeter, which allows drivers of vehicles taxi, to work independently, to adjust the six individual tariffs and use them in their work;
- GPS-taximeter not only considers the amount to pay in a taxi on the kilometrage, but also automatically compensates for delays, slow movement in city traffic and stop in traffic;
- fully automated with the taxi work order system allows the driver in real time to see all the orders coming into the system. For taking the order by just pushing a button;
- Pre-order management system allows taxi in advance to plan their work during a work shift;
- flexible rating system allows drivers of vehicles taxi, meet certain criteria to receive benefits in the selection order.
With the application «TAXI600 Driver» you can start making your own right now.
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