CDL Benefício is a loyalty program developed exclusively for members of Baixada Santista CDLs. At CDL Benefits, members can enjoy as users and also as advantages and discounts providers in their establishments.
Always in constant innovation, we launched the CDL Application, where you can join and find exclusive offers in the cities of Baixada Santista.
To enjoy the benefits of the CDL Benefit the member only has to present the program card and a photo ID at the affiliated establishments. The loyalty program does not generate any additional monthly fee, it only deals with differentiated discounts from the counter of the establishment for CDL members.
Always in constant innovation, we launched the CDL Application, where you can join and find exclusive offers in the cities of Baixada Santista.
To enjoy the benefits of the CDL Benefit the member only has to present the program card and a photo ID at the affiliated establishments. The loyalty program does not generate any additional monthly fee, it only deals with differentiated discounts from the counter of the establishment for CDL members.
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