Gipuzkoako monumentu megalitikoen bilatzaile kartografikoa duzu hau, Aranzadik garatua 250 baino aztarnategi gehiagoz osatutako bere datu-baseari esker. Mapak Gipuzkoako Erdi Aroko gazteluak edukitzen ditu, eta eta beste herri-gotorleku hainbat aurkikuntza edukiko ditu laster.
This is the cartographic finder megalithic monuments of Gipuzkoa, developed by Aranzadi from its database, with more than 250 megalithic sites. The map includes medieval castles and soon, fortified settlements and other archaeological finds of Gipuzkoa Territory.
This is the cartographic finder megalithic monuments of Gipuzkoa, developed by Aranzadi from its database, with more than 250 megalithic sites. The map includes medieval castles and soon, fortified settlements and other archaeological finds of Gipuzkoa Territory.
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