Banco ATLANTICO Europa
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APP MY ATLANTICO is the mobile application of ATLANTICO Europe, the Bank that helps you control your expenses, save you more easily and live better. If you are not a customer yet, open your account (no maintenance fees) in 15 minutes, without having to go to the bank.

About APP

APP MY ATLANTICO is a new way to manage your money, giving you access to everything you need for your day to day financial life.

Features available:

• Adhesion to ATLANTICO Europe in 15 minutes;
• Quick consultation of all current accounts, their balance, movements and IBAN;
• Opening in seconds of current accounts in euros, dollars, pounds and Swiss francs;
• Customizing the name of current accounts;
• Access to all day-to-day operations, including national and international transfers, payments, shipments, direct debits and recurring transfers;
• Creation of objective savings, with the possibility of defining an objective and an amount to be achieved and of reinforcing the savings through punctual reinforcement or delivery plan;
• Rapid overview of global assets and currency assets;
• Automatic cataloging of movements and analysis of expenses by account, category, country and month;
• Conversion of currency from and to euros, in exchange for dollars, pounds or Swiss francs;
• Request and management of debit and credit cards;
• Reading of electronic invoices with automatic loading of details for payment (entity, reference and amount);
• Quick access to proof of movements, with possibility to share by various means (email, WhatsApp, etc.);
• Possibility of adding notes to the movements;
• Real-time push notifications about all your account activity;
• Shake the phone to activate the chat.

Version 3.0 of APP MY ATLANTICO is available in Portuguese and English.

About ATLANTICO Europe

ATLANTICO Europe is a moving bank, uncomplicated, for your day to day life. A bank based in Portugal, but in the World, with clients from more than 60 different countries.

Some of the advantages:
• Online account opening by video call in 15 minutes;
• Accounts without maintenance fees;
• 5 free online transfers per month and offer of the 1st card annuity;
• Deposit rates above the market average;
• Security of accounts and deposits by the Deposit Guarantee Fund;
• No asterisks or small letters.

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MY ATLANTICO Screenshots