Independent Trade Union of Szombathely Auto Parts Manufacturing Workers (SZAKAD FSZ)
Today, there are far fewer members of the trade unions than before the regime change, the state does not finance the organizations either, 95% of the work is done by unpaid activists. Despite all this, most of the large companies in our country have an organization, there are negotiations to reconcile interests, and wage and collective agreements are drawn up. With the passage of time, it can be said that the number of members decreased, but they joined the organizations voluntarily.
Despite all this, in society, trade unions are still treated as authorities, as companies that distribute state money, which helps even if someone is not otherwise a member. Based on this idea, the majority of people do not join organizations because the results achieved - according to them - are worth it. Why should it be done separately? It is the trade union's job to solve everything. Things don't always work that way though.
Today, the TRADE ORGANIZATION is a tool that gives employees the opportunity to work together to improve their workplace, wage and other situations.
It's a nice phrase, but let's break it down a bit more to understand what it actually means.
The trade union is not an authority, but rather an organization similar to a civil organization.
Its members join on a voluntary basis, its leaders are democratically chosen from among themselves, and their goals are determined based on their own decisions.
The joined members are similar in that they typically work at the same workplace, so their wages and other conditions are related, and they work under the control of the same owner. The employees of the workplace can decide for themselves whether to create an organization or not. Are they satisfied with what they have, or is it unacceptable for them? Of course, anyone can be dissatisfied on their own, but it is not customary to reward hot-headedness and, God forbid, action. However, the situation is different with employee unions.
The Hungarian Constitution guarantees the right to free association, while the Labor Code regulates the framework within which the employee's will can be enforced.
That's the point here. It is possible to provide legal frameworks to represent and enforce the interests of employees, up to termination of employment, but it must be emphasized that this is not the right of the individual, but only of the group. It's the union!
This is the group that wants to protect itself within the legal framework and to display its common interests, the trade union!
Of course, the question immediately arises: Individual interest or common interest?
From this point of view, in our opinion, there is no significant difference.
In the trade union, the individual interests of the members placed next to each other are formed into community interests.
Salary, job security, benefits, social background are all community interests that affect every individual in the given country, region, and workplace. The point is that individual interests transformed into community interests are also recognized by Hungarian laws, and the possibility of enforcing them is created.
Today, there are far fewer members of the trade unions than before the regime change, the state does not finance the organizations either, 95% of the work is done by unpaid activists. Despite all this, most of the large companies in our country have an organization, there are negotiations to reconcile interests, and wage and collective agreements are drawn up. With the passage of time, it can be said that the number of members decreased, but they joined the organizations voluntarily.
Despite all this, in society, trade unions are still treated as authorities, as companies that distribute state money, which helps even if someone is not otherwise a member. Based on this idea, the majority of people do not join organizations because the results achieved - according to them - are worth it. Why should it be done separately? It is the trade union's job to solve everything. Things don't always work that way though.
Today, the TRADE ORGANIZATION is a tool that gives employees the opportunity to work together to improve their workplace, wage and other situations.
It's a nice phrase, but let's break it down a bit more to understand what it actually means.
The trade union is not an authority, but rather an organization similar to a civil organization.
Its members join on a voluntary basis, its leaders are democratically chosen from among themselves, and their goals are determined based on their own decisions.
The joined members are similar in that they typically work at the same workplace, so their wages and other conditions are related, and they work under the control of the same owner. The employees of the workplace can decide for themselves whether to create an organization or not. Are they satisfied with what they have, or is it unacceptable for them? Of course, anyone can be dissatisfied on their own, but it is not customary to reward hot-headedness and, God forbid, action. However, the situation is different with employee unions.
The Hungarian Constitution guarantees the right to free association, while the Labor Code regulates the framework within which the employee's will can be enforced.
That's the point here. It is possible to provide legal frameworks to represent and enforce the interests of employees, up to termination of employment, but it must be emphasized that this is not the right of the individual, but only of the group. It's the union!
This is the group that wants to protect itself within the legal framework and to display its common interests, the trade union!
Of course, the question immediately arises: Individual interest or common interest?
From this point of view, in our opinion, there is no significant difference.
In the trade union, the individual interests of the members placed next to each other are formed into community interests.
Salary, job security, benefits, social background are all community interests that affect every individual in the given country, region, and workplace. The point is that individual interests transformed into community interests are also recognized by Hungarian laws, and the possibility of enforcing them is created.
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