Just because there is a demand to say to the story, only to find much of the original Buddhist stories like App, perhaps some of the kids, but the interface is not friendly, so the end of school they own proofreading finishing this App.
The interface easy to use design principle, although there are more than three hundred stories, but will record your current location each time the App is closed, so the use of fairly smoothly.
Dhammapada total of four hundred twenty-three, these Pali Dhammapada the Buddha about three hundred and five occasions to lecture and legal interests of sentient beings. The Dhammapada because diction sublime, but also help shape the future of life who are Buddhists gather recorded, these Dhammapada into twenty-six product according to the theme.
Dhammapada stories vividly describes the Buddha. Buddha's followers at home, including the King, as King Bimbisara and Bosiniwang; rich as Anathapindika; prostitutes as silk Rui Ma and a large group of civilians, such as barbers, goldsmiths, elephant trainer, stuntman, slave hunters Fisherman, gardening expert, butchers, weavers and boat and so on. Many people benefited from the teachings of the Buddha.
Dhammapada reach all depths of the human mind, and is common to all mankind thought the treasure, it goes beyond the narrow religious factions, is a classic dedicated to all mankind.
Reference resources:
. Start icon: https://www.freevector.com/lotus-vector
. Theme Photo: http://www.freepik.com/free-photo/book-decoration_1319928.htm
The interface easy to use design principle, although there are more than three hundred stories, but will record your current location each time the App is closed, so the use of fairly smoothly.
Dhammapada total of four hundred twenty-three, these Pali Dhammapada the Buddha about three hundred and five occasions to lecture and legal interests of sentient beings. The Dhammapada because diction sublime, but also help shape the future of life who are Buddhists gather recorded, these Dhammapada into twenty-six product according to the theme.
Dhammapada stories vividly describes the Buddha. Buddha's followers at home, including the King, as King Bimbisara and Bosiniwang; rich as Anathapindika; prostitutes as silk Rui Ma and a large group of civilians, such as barbers, goldsmiths, elephant trainer, stuntman, slave hunters Fisherman, gardening expert, butchers, weavers and boat and so on. Many people benefited from the teachings of the Buddha.
Dhammapada reach all depths of the human mind, and is common to all mankind thought the treasure, it goes beyond the narrow religious factions, is a classic dedicated to all mankind.
Reference resources:
. Start icon: https://www.freevector.com/lotus-vector
. Theme Photo: http://www.freepik.com/free-photo/book-decoration_1319928.htm
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