It has been mentioned in the Book of God Almighty and the Sunnah of His Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, among the many virtues of the phrase “there is no god but God.” The collections, and the marketplace of Heaven and Hell, and through it creation was divided into the believers and the unbelievers, the righteous and the ungodly, it is the origin of creation and command, reward and punishment, and it is the truth for which creation was created, and about it and its rights is the question and the reckoning, and on it the reward and punishment fall, and on it the qiblah was erected, and on it the sect was founded Because of it, the swords of jihad were unsheathed, and it is God’s right upon all of His servants. It is the word of Islam and the key to the abode of peace, and the first and the last are asked about it.
In view of all of the above, we decided to offer you this application that contains wallpapers of There is no god but God.
In view of all of the above, we decided to offer you this application that contains wallpapers of There is no god but God.
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