Application with various games so you can have fun with your friends in those moments of boredom.
If you want to have a great time every time you go out partying and look for a game to drink.
The application has games designed to drink and you and your friends get drunk while you have fun.
The application includes typical games such as Yo Nunca (hot or normal options), the dice, lord of three among others, designed for those drunken nights with your friends where you need to give that cheerful touch to the night and find a silly excuse to drink .
If you want to have a great time every time you go out partying and look for a game to drink.
The application has games designed to drink and you and your friends get drunk while you have fun.
The application includes typical games such as Yo Nunca (hot or normal options), the dice, lord of three among others, designed for those drunken nights with your friends where you need to give that cheerful touch to the night and find a silly excuse to drink .
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