Based on popular word games like Jotto, Bulls & Cows, and Wordle, 5-Letter Words will keep you guessing. See if you can solve the five-letter word puzzle in six guesses or less.
No More Waiting on Ads
Play unlimited games with no ad interruptions. Nobody likes watching ads, so 5-Letter Words removed all ads between turns, so you’ll never have to wait to start the next word puzzle.
Unlimited Plays
Binge play as many word games as you’d like without waiting for a clock to reset. Without ads and countdowns, you can play 5-Letter Words until your brain melts, or you solve all of the puzzles.
1000+ Puzzles
5-Letter Words is packed with thousands of puzzles in three different game modes. So you never run out of word puzzles.
Light and Dark Modes
Choose from light or dark modes depending on your device and personal preferences. An updated color scheme makes 5-Letter Words the most enjoyable word game in any setting.
Easy, Medium, Hard Game Modes
5-Letter Words is the only word game based on the most accurate word frequency data list in existence. 5-Letter Words uses the Corpus of American Contemporary English (COCA) frequency word list based on more than 1 billion English words to create the ultimate challenge.
No More Waiting on Ads
Play unlimited games with no ad interruptions. Nobody likes watching ads, so 5-Letter Words removed all ads between turns, so you’ll never have to wait to start the next word puzzle.
Unlimited Plays
Binge play as many word games as you’d like without waiting for a clock to reset. Without ads and countdowns, you can play 5-Letter Words until your brain melts, or you solve all of the puzzles.
1000+ Puzzles
5-Letter Words is packed with thousands of puzzles in three different game modes. So you never run out of word puzzles.
Light and Dark Modes
Choose from light or dark modes depending on your device and personal preferences. An updated color scheme makes 5-Letter Words the most enjoyable word game in any setting.
Easy, Medium, Hard Game Modes
5-Letter Words is the only word game based on the most accurate word frequency data list in existence. 5-Letter Words uses the Corpus of American Contemporary English (COCA) frequency word list based on more than 1 billion English words to create the ultimate challenge.
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