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Guide Biblique: La Bible

Duncan Heaster
500,000+ downloads

About Guide Biblique: La Bible

Biblical text of Louis Segond with audio, deeper commentary on each verse, basic devotional comments on each chapter, message recorded on each chapter of the New Testament, choice of continuous audio for all audio files, reading plan, search function powerful, without advertising, in addition to the study manual "Biblical Principles". No pop-ups, no ads. This app probably gives you more free and absolutely free features and resources than any other free Bible app.
Type any verse and you'll find a deeper comment - very easy to use. You can listen to the audio recording; and there are audio messages on each chapter of the New Testament. In addition there are audio lessons for beginners. Daily devotional comments according to the Guide to Reading the Bible. Nothing for sale, no advertising, lots of absolutely free offers, including free hard copy, postage paid. This application also includes the well-known study manual "Biblical Principles". Study online with or without a tutor. The deeper commentary is a detailed verse-by-verse exposition of the entire Bible; this is the full version of the series "Christadelphe New European Commentary". Here is a modern, up-to-date verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible published recently in the past few years, already very well known among Orthodox Christians, from Unitarians to Baptists, Christadelphia, fallen Jehovah's Witnesses, Evangelicals and Pentecostals.

This app allows you to study the Bible at any level you find suitable. The opening screen has brief devotional thoughts on a selection of chapters for the day, according to The Guide To Reading The Bible. If you only want a few brief ideas on these chapters, it will only take a few minutes. Tap the button for the chapters and the text appears. Tap on a verse and you will see the comment. With the "Guide to Reading the Bible", you will read the entire Old Testament once and the entire New Testament twice a year. You can listen to the audio recording of the Bible text after tapping a button. Or you can listen to a chapter with a basic interpretation and an explanation. Or there is an in-depth audio Bible study on each chapter of the New Testament.

Tap on any verse from the Bible, and you will see an in-depth commentary on the screen. There is also a powerful search function if you want to find a particular verse from the Bible or Biblical teaching on a specific theme or word. If you want to study the Bible in a systematic way, there is the study manual "Biblical Principles". There are questions at the end of each chapter, and if you are happy with this way of studying, you can submit your answers and get helpful comments by email from a real personal tutor. You can also listen to the study manual bl Biblical Principles ’. It has been used extensively for almost 30 years as a course to prepare people for baptism.

All audio material has the possibility of progressive playback. If you start listening to the audio for a chapter, when the file is finished, the player automatically goes to the next chapter in the Bible. Whether you are jogging or in bed at night, this allows you to continue listening to audio without having to manually click on the next chapter.

All comments are copyright Duncan Heaster, but freely available for your personal use. Duncan spent 35 years teaching and writing on the Bible, and pastor of churches in Eastern Europe. The daily devotions are taken from his book "Christian Basics", read in French by Charly Anoume and Phil Martin.

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