Elix is a bilingual French / French sign language (LSF) dictionary.
It includes more than 20,500 videos of signs and 25,500 videos of definitions translated into LSF.
Created in 2010, Elix has become over time the first dictionary of French in French sign language. Its ambition is to enable the advent of a society that is more accessible to deaf people.
Driven by the Signes de sens teams and its partners, Le Dico Elix aims to:
- Allow signatory deaf people to access reading in all its forms: mobile application, website (dico.elix-lsf.fr), browser extension (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ la-bulle-elix/bkodbojjdhggkkkncjogkdojhkfbjimi?hl=en)
- Become a bridge between deaf and hearing people: deaf people are reconciled with reading and with the modes of communication available to them, the practice of LSF is multiplied and the inclusion of the deaf facilitated.
- Allow society to seize the potential of LSF as an alternative to oral communication, in a logic of universal design.
Can't find a sign or a definition translated into LSF? Do you want to help Elix by offering signs? You want to donate ? Contact us (contact@elix-lsf.fr)!
Elix, a signs of meaning project (www.signesdesens.org).
It includes more than 20,500 videos of signs and 25,500 videos of definitions translated into LSF.
Created in 2010, Elix has become over time the first dictionary of French in French sign language. Its ambition is to enable the advent of a society that is more accessible to deaf people.
Driven by the Signes de sens teams and its partners, Le Dico Elix aims to:
- Allow signatory deaf people to access reading in all its forms: mobile application, website (dico.elix-lsf.fr), browser extension (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ la-bulle-elix/bkodbojjdhggkkkncjogkdojhkfbjimi?hl=en)
- Become a bridge between deaf and hearing people: deaf people are reconciled with reading and with the modes of communication available to them, the practice of LSF is multiplied and the inclusion of the deaf facilitated.
- Allow society to seize the potential of LSF as an alternative to oral communication, in a logic of universal design.
Can't find a sign or a definition translated into LSF? Do you want to help Elix by offering signs? You want to donate ? Contact us (contact@elix-lsf.fr)!
Elix, a signs of meaning project (www.signesdesens.org).
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